Dental trauma is a major issue in childhood due to its uncertain nature, lack of information to parents and teachers about its immediate treatment and first aid, the psychological consequences that are caused by the shock of the injury as well as for the disruption of good oral health that it can create.
By the time we mention dental trauma in children, we refer to injuries that can appear from the 8-10 months of the child’s life to the 18th year of age.
Injuries to the teeth and surrounding tissues are quite common in childhood and adolescence. They can occur either during a game or during sports activities. The treatment of dental injury widely depends on whether the tooth is new (child tooth) or permanent.

Although, one of the main causes which predisposes the injury to appear, but at the same time determines its severity – is orthodontic issues such as missing upper teeth.
The thing that remains to do is to detect the real dental framework that is a fertile ground for dental trauma in children as well as to be conscious about the fact that a large number of injuries can be prevented. Another thing that we must keep in mind is that all dental and oral injuries can be treated efficiently as long as the dental help is provided properly and the child visits a professional dentist immediately.
For more information about dental trauma in children, keep reading our article.
Which are the Categories of Dental Trauma in Children?
An injury which can happen to your oral cavity can reach your teeth in the form of a fracture or displacement. However, it can also implicate injuries to the jaw bone, lips or gums, of varying severity. Several times one or more teeth can be totally removed from their place and detected in the depths of a swimming pool or in the muddy waters of a road or stadium.

Whatever the kind of trauma, the belief that there exists a way to heal it, relieves the anxiety and stress of all those who are involved in the event (parents, children, teacher and so on). There are numerous times, even today, that there is the misconception of the fact that broken teeth have to be kept this way and cannot be repaired until the child grows up. Although dental science as well as the development of materials’ technology and equipment, provide us with the possibility of urgent recovery and ensure the validity of the future planning, each child has the right to enjoy a beautiful and attractive smile in order to be less at risk of the consequences of an injury. Moreover, parents have also the right to be relieved of the anxiety and stress of the occurrence and its prognosis, as well.
First-Aid When a Child Experiencing a Traumatic Dental Injury
If a child experiences an injury at school, then his or her parents must be informed immediately and therefore, they must send their child to the nearest professional dentist.
The proper assessment of the severity as well as the extent of the trauma is essential for the prognosis and the psychological treatment of the injured child along with his or her family.
Several times, parents along with their children panic and get scared at the sight of blood gushing from an injury which has occurred to the lips or gums, while they might remain impassive when they face an extensive structure of a tooth, in front of which they feel helpless and immobilized. Moreover, parents and children usually think that an injured tooth can only be prepared when the child grows up.

What Should a Parent Know in a Case of a Child’s Dental Trauma?
There are several things that a parent must know in case of a dental trauma in children. This is why we are going to mention the most important things that a parent should always keep in mind.
- You should take your child to a specialized dentist immediately after the injury incident.
- If a tooth has been extracted (lost from your child’s mouth) it should be collected and stored in saline or milk until the moment that the child visits the dentist. The most appropriate time to visit a dentist is within 5 hours, if it is really possible.
- Do not offer your child antibiotics arbitrarily.
- You should not lose your temper in order to reassure your injured child. Every child has the ability to get more shocked by the panicked face of a parent than by the incident itself.
- The immediate action of teachers in case of an injury at a school environment is multidimensional as well as fundamental – it has to provide help on a biological and psychological level.
What is the Treatment of a Dental Trauma in Children at a Dental Clinic?
The aesthetic as well as the functional restoration of an injured tooth or injured teeth can be completed impeccably as long as you decide to trust a professional and appropriate dentist. The steps that a specialized dentist commonly follows, are:

- A dentist rebuilds your child’s broken teeth.
- Any extruded teeth are replaced.
- Your child’s lost teeth are replaced with special constructions even if you child is at a very young age.
- Any stained teeth are whitened.
- Parents along with their child or children are psychologically supported in order to overcome the shock of the injury and at the same time are taught how to protect themselves from an injury that might happen in the future.
One thing is for sure – the proper treatment of a child’s dental trauma can relieve the injured child both biologically and psychologically by giving him or her back his lost smile and self-confidence.
Can a Dental Trauma of a Child Be Prevented?
There are numerous times where we cannot avoid the bad timing of an accident or incident. However, we can take some measurements in order to reduce the frequency as well as severity of dental injuries.
- If you avoid the use of pacifiers and prolonged use of baby bottles in your child – which create orthodontic anomalies.
- If an accurate orthodontic treatment is offered to children that are in need of it.
- If protective splints are used from children who take part in sports on a regular basis.
- If children are taught to put their hands forward every time they fall down.
- If you learn to travel always with a seat belt fastened in the car.
- If you raise children who by the time they play they just ask for joy and not relaxation.
- If you educate your infants in a manner that they can learn how to take care of themselves in an efficient way. Every time we argue with a child because he or she fell down, we take away his or her ability to learn how to be careful the next time he or she is going to experience an incident.
A Practical Guide for Parents and Children
The dental treatments that might be required to followed after a dental injury, are:
- Immobilization – the tooth is connected to the adjacent teeth with wire and white material – resin – and they form a bridge. Therefore, it remains immobilized for a short period of 10 – 20 days until it stabilizes again.
- Implantation of a permanent tooth that has been removed from the mouth.
- Endodontic treatment (denervation) of a “dead” tooth after an injury.
- Reconstruction of a broken tooth
- Tooth discoloration after an injury
- X-Ray examination
To Conclude
In every case of a child’s dental trauma, direct communication with a specialized and professional dentist as well as a visit to the nearest Pediatric Dentist is one of the most utmost important things you can do. This happens to be crucial because of the fact that a specialized dentist will reduce any complications as well as increase the prognosis of the injured tooth or teeth.
In any case, you can contact the professional and well-trained staff of Trio Dent and our staff will undoubtedly help you with your child’s injury.