at Trio Dental Center, Leading Dental Implantology Clinic for all on 4 procedure in Tirana.
Are you thinking of regaining your bright smile? Do you find it difficult to locate the right country with the proper dental clinics? Are you still looking for the best dental services in Europe? Well, we are here to offer you one of the best choices, in order for you to get the most incomparable dental treatments and at the same time achieve all your necessities while having the possibility to also visit one of the most beautiful countries in Europe.
As you are well-aware of, Albania has shown to be one of the most popular countries, not only for its dental services but also for the rare and exclusive places you could visit. Who said that going abroad for dental services means you cannot also have your vacations? Albania is the right country to secure you with multiple choices and the best dentists abroad.
Trio Dental Center is a dental clinic with its location in Tirana, Albania, and its aim is to help every patient, from different countries, to achieve the results they require or need. We provide you with a team of highly qualified and well-trained dentists, in order for you to feel secure and understand you are in the safest hands. Trio Dental Center secures a beneficial and comfortable environment, as we treat every patient like family.
We’ve hand-picked an exclusive team of the country’s leading dentists.
Our team is here to help you identify which of our consultants is the right choice for you.
Kristina Beqiraj
Customer Care
All-on-4 implants are used for people who are missing several teeth, due to injuries or tooth decay. Most people think that the fastest and easiest replacement they can make is dentures, however, you should be aware that they are not the only solution. Missing teeth can easily frustrate someone after some time passes and surely make them lose their confidence. This type of condition can help you understand that you have many other factors, which have contributed to dental health problems, and as known, it can affect your overall well-being. The question coming to everyone’s mind is what options do they have to replace their certain missing teeth?
Dental health is advancing every year more and more, in order for you to have multiple choices of solutions for your condition. Dentures are a traditional solution for missing teeth, however, they are not as comfortable or confident as you might think. The advancing technology of dental science has brought another solution for you, called all on 4 dental implants. They are a set of fixed dental implants, impacted in the patient’s jaw, in a way to provide them a firm and solid platform. This platform is able to hold the set of replacement teeth in place. It is named all on 4, as it is used for the teeth in an arch and the number 4 is used because that is how many dental implants are needed to hold that arch in place.
Is the all-on-4 procedure painful? This is the most common question for a patient that wants to have this kind of surgery. As with every dental surgery, it might seem or sound painful, however, the moment that you decide on this specific option, then you should know that your dentist will use a local anesthetic, which will make the area that will get the surgery numb. This will affect you, as you will not feel anything during the procedure and the surgery will only start the moment that anesthesia has hit you, therefore you will not feel any discomfort.
Patients who need all-on-4 implants can be either denture wearers or those who are being fitted for dentures for the first time, however, the ones who are currently having dentures will understand that they have it easier for the implants will not slip or shift out of place. Normally, patients who need all on 4 have several conditions, but the most common ones are:
Depending on your condition, there are several steps taken while having the procedure and normally they go as listed below.
Firstly, you should leave an appointment with your dentist, so you could have an examination of your mouth and x-rays. This will give your doctor the ability to check the condition of your gums and the teeth remaining in your mouth, as well as the bone and other structures. After he/she has examined everything, your treatment plan will be presented to you and then you will decide together the date and time to proceed.
Your dentist will first apply the dental anesthesia and start extracting your remaining teeth. After that, a small incision will start in your gums to allow access to the jawbone and shape the socket where the implants will be placed. The implants will be placed into your jawbone and the connector will be attached. In the end, your gums will be stirred up around the abutment, which will allow you to see above the gum line. Finally, four dental implants will be placed in the upper arch and an additional four implants will be placed in the lower one.
After the procedure is finished, the final step you have is to allow them to heal properly. After the surgery, you might feel some small soreness and swelling, however, you could manage it with pain medications. The time that dental implants need to heal successfully is around 3-6 months. You should strictly follow every piece of advice your dentist will give you.
All-on-4 implants could be an option for people who want to replace all of their upper and lower teeth or all the teeth in their mouth. Most people use removable dentures, however, implants are secured in the jaw and it is a solution for people who want a long-term replacement for their missing teeth. Full arch implants tend to use a fixed bridge, in order to be able to replace a full row of missing teeth. It always depends on the condition of the patient, but when someone needs full arch implants, it usually involves placing 4 to 6 implants to support all the teeth in each arch.
In order to be sure that you are capable of having full-arch implants, your dentist will ask you for your medical history and assess your oral health and your jaws. This way he or she will be able to understand if you are in good well-being and that you have healthy gums to have this type of treatment. Know that, even if you were denied in the past for standard implants, you are still able to have full-arch implants, as they are positioned at 45-degree angles in the jaw, which also avoids the need for bone grafting.
There are several different reasons why All on 4 implants are beneficial for a patient. As a start, you should know that with all-on-4, you are able to restore an entire arch of teething in only one sitting and it means less time that you need to spend at the dentist. Some of the most common advantages are:
This type of procedure can provide comfort for you as the implants are customized to your mouth. You are able to get stability and release from stress, as you do not have to run to a mirror every time to check if you have any food left on your teeth
It is noticed that denture wearers tend to have bone loss and it occurs, as your jawbone is not being stimulated in the same way as the moment you chew food with your natural teeth, however with all on 4 implants your jawbone gets stronger and it helps to build it up, so you do not have to worry.
The habits you need to take care of, for your all on 4 implants, are very normal and you already know them, such as brushing, flossing, having regular check-ups at the dentist, and using oral rinses. This procedure will help you save time, struggle, and money for sure.
The procedure of all-on- 4 treatments involves the placement of the implants and new teeth and if necessary, extracting any teeth. After six months pass from the procedure, you should have a visit to place a permanent set of teeth.
Having all-on-4 implants, makes you look like you have your natural teeth and feel like that as well. Some of the differences they have are that they are permanent teeth that you can brush like natural teeth, they do not need to be taken out, they are comfortable, they allow you to bite with increased force, and many others.
There are very small risks when using all-on-4 implants, however, you should be aware of each and every one of them. Firstly, there is a percentage of less than 0.5% of all-on-4 implants failing to fuse to the bone, there is a chance of developing diseases, such as peri-implantitis, and also to have failed osteointegration as a result of insufficient bone density.
The most suitable patient to have all-on-4 implants is someone who is currently wearing dentures or will need dentures in the future. It is very important to be in good health with little bone deterioration.
There is no doubt that the all-on-4 implants will look natural. These dental implants tend to have a technique, which will give you permanent teeth with the look, feel, and function of your real teeth. Basically, you would be the only one knowing that you have dental implants.
Knowing that the taxes and wages are lower in Albania than in Europe, makes your dental necessities also cheaper. However, do not let that make you think that the service is not as good as in Europe. In Albania, you would not only get the most qualified treatments but also with the cost of around 300 euros for dental implants.
If you are looking for the best quotes with the best dentists in Tirana, Albania, but you don’t know if they will be able to attend your case; we have the perfect solution for you, you can write us your problem! This way our professionals will evaluate your case, give you a premise of what could happen once you arrive at our dental clinic in Albania, and could give you an approximate cost of what could be done with your case.
This service is totally free, we do not charge for giving you an estimate or advice. So we invite you to take the opportunity to listen to what the Dentist in Albania has to say about your illness or condition, they’ll probably have a totally different diagnosis than the one you’ve been given and it may also be fairly affordable compared to what they’re offering you in your country.
And even if you’re inside Albania but still are looking for a top Dentist in Tirana, we advise you to leave your case in the details box below so that we can give you a quote and schedule an appointment for you to come across a Dentist in Albania.