Dental Implants in Albania, Save 70% in Tirana

At Trio Dental Center with the best quality, Leading dental clinic for dental implants in Albania. 

Table of Contents

Dental Implants in Tirana, the best choice for you.

An image showing the amazing transformation before after dental implants in Tirana Albania.

Dental Implants in Albania are the most modern treatment for the restoration of the “empty” areas in our mouth. At Trio Dental Center, the placement of dental implants is performed from professional and specialized dentists who respect all the special safety rules of dental care treatments.

If you are looking for affordable dental implants in Albania then Trio Dental Center is the right place. Our dental clinic offers the lowest prices of dental treatments and packages in Albania. It does not matter if you are an Albanian citizen or if you live abroad – in both cases our clinic guarantees you the best quality of services with the most cost-effective prices.

Trio Dental Center assures you fast and permanent results, with the highest-level standards of dental implants. We design and customize your dental treatment plans as well as we complete all the procedures quickly in order to have back your sparkling smile in the shortest period of time.

Our Team of Specialists

We’ve hand-picked an exclusive team of the country’s leading dentists.

Our team is here to help you identify which of our consultants is the right choice for you.

Kristina Beqiraj

Surgery Assistant


General Manager


Customer Care


Customer Care

Our Results

Recent clinical cases for Dental Implants in Before and after

Dental implants Clinic in Tirana, Albania for Affordable Tooth Implant Surgery

Are you looking for a dental clinic with the best dental implants in Albania? The answer to your question is Trio Dental Center. We are here to provide the most efficient and of the highest quality dental treatment but with the most affordable prices of dental implants.

Trio Dental Center is equipped with the most modern technological apparatuses, which meet all the rules of safety and hygiene in accordance with European legislation, thus ensuring a high level of services provided in Albania. We utilize the most effective techniques of dental treatments as well as we make use of an individualized approach to each patient. 

Every patient, therefore, poses a special challenge! Every patient attracts our attention and is treated with care. Our purpose is primarily to relieve any toothache that the patient is experiencing and then present to the patient various alternative treatment plans in order for him or her to choose the treatment plan that he or she can cope with mentally, temporally, and financially.

Dental Implants in Albania results before and after.

What is a Dental Implant and Why People Need It?

Dental implants have been a topic of discussion for several years now as they are becoming more and more popular with the general public. The possibilities they have given to modern dentistry are remarkable and the results are amazing. Dental implants are an artificial dental root made of titanium, used in cases of tooth or teeth loss. Bone implanted titanium implants were designed, manufactured and first applied to patients by the Swedish Professor Dr. Branemark in 1952.

The dental implant is surgically placed in the jaw bone, to hold a bridge, crown, or even a complete denture, replacing the root of the lost tooth.

It is completely compatible with the tissues of the human body and has the ability to integrate into the surrounding bones, essentially becoming part of them (osseointegration) which is the key factor that ensures the longevity of the result.

Implants with artificial teeth look the same and most of the time, better than the original natural teeth and are very common in Europe.

The Composition of a Dental Implant

In the first place, we need to know the parts of a tooth in order to understand their correspondence with the parts of an implant. The natural tooth consists of the mill and the root. The crown is the part of the tooth that is visible in the mouth and is located above the gum line, while the root is not visible in the mouth because it is below the gum line inside the jaw bone.

To describe a dental implant, we need to know that it consists of three parts instead of two that make up the natural tooth. This is the dental implant itself that is placed in the jaw bone and replaces the root, it is an abutment that connects the implant to the third part and this third part is the case, which replaces the tooth crown mentioned above. 

An image showing the replacement of missing teeth with all on 6 dental implants.

What are the Benefits of Getting Dental Implants in Albania?

Having a Dental Implant has a lot of benefits to provide you. Some of them include:
Protection of subsequent teeth, nasal, dental tissues, as no need to file the teeth is required to restore a missing one.
Maintaining the height of the alveolar bone at the sites of tooth loss due to osseointegration with the implant.
Aesthetic as it is a faithful copy of the natural tooth, while preserving the contour of the soft tissues (gums) that surround the implant.
Excellent chewing ability, avoiding the instability of mobile prosthetic work.
Long-term solution and completely predictable in terms of result.
In the long run it is a more economical solution than bridges and whole or partial dentures which at some point may need to be replaced.
Comfortable speech, restoration of the shape of the face, and boosting the self-confidence of the person.
They stabilize the dentures.
The teeth made on them look natural.

All on 4, all on 6, all on 8 in Albania.
Perfect smile with dental implants in Albania.

Are there any Disadvantages of Getting Dental Implants?

When referring to dental implants the only disadvantage that can be mentioned is the waiting period in order to complete the restoration of the nostrils. A waiting period is necessary in order to achieve osseointegration before they are loaded with the prosthesis so that they form a single and perfectly stable whole with the jaw bone. In spite of that, this can be completed by the dentist who is specialized in the placement of dental implants, based on clinical and radiological data as well as the medical history of the candidate for implants. 

Impianti Dentali in Albania | A Guide To Dental Implant Trips

Il tempo di attesa tra l'estrazione di un dente e l'inserimento di un impianto dentale

Il tempo di attesa tra l’estrazione di un dente e l’inserimento di un impianto dentale può variare significativamente in base a diversi fattori, tra cui la condizione dell’osso mascellare del paziente e la necessità di procedure aggiuntive come l’innesto osseo. Ecco un’analisi dettagliata per comprendere meglio i tempi:

Fattori Determinanti

  • Condizione dell’Osso: La qualità e la quantità dell’osso mascellare rimanente dopo l’estrazione sono cruciali. Se l’osso è sano e sufficiente, potrebbe essere possibile procedere con l’impianto più rapidamente.
  • Necessità di Innesto Osseo: Nei casi in cui l’osso non sia adeguato per supportare l’impianto, potrebbe essere necessario un innesto osseo. Questo richiede tempo aggiuntivo per la guarigione prima che l’impianto possa essere inserito.
  • Salute Generale e Fattori di Rischio: Le condizioni generali di salute del paziente e fattori specifici come il fumo o il diabete possono influenzare i tempi di guarigione e, di conseguenza, il momento ideale per l’inserimento dell’impianto.

Tempistiche Comuni

  • Inserimento Immediato: In alcuni casi selezionati, quando le condizioni dell’osso sono ottimali e non vi sono infezioni, è possibile inserire l’impianto immediatamente dopo l’estrazione. Questo approccio è noto come “impianto post-estrazione immediato”.

  • Breve Attesa: Se l’osso mascellare è in buone condizioni ma si preferisce attendere per la guarigione iniziale dei tessuti, l’impianto può essere inserito dopo circa 2-3 mesi dall’estrazione.

  • Attesa Prolungata: Nei casi in cui sia necessario un innesto osseo o altre procedure preparatorie, l’attesa può estendersi da 6 a 9 mesi o anche più, a seconda del tempo necessario per la completa integrazione dell’innesto e la guarigione dell’osso.

Consigli per una Scelta Informativa

La decisione su quando inserire un impianto dopo l’estrazione di un dente dovrebbe sempre essere presa in collaborazione con il proprio dentista o specialista in implantologia, considerando le specifiche condizioni orali e le esigenze del paziente. Un’attenta valutazione pre-trattamento, inclusa l’analisi radiografica o la tomografia computerizzata, può aiutare a determinare il momento più opportuno per l’impianto, garantendo i migliori risultati possibili e una lunga durata dell’impianto.


La tempistica per l’inserimento di un impianto dentale dopo l’estrazione di un dente dipende da variabili individuali legate alla salute orale e alle condizioni specifiche di ciascun paziente. La comunicazione aperta con il proprio dentista e la comprensione delle fasi del processo di guarigione e preparazione sono essenziali per assicurare un esito di successo e una soddisfazione duratura.

Correlazione tra Terapia Canalare e Impianti Dentali: Un’Analisi Ottimizzata

L’endodonzia, o terapia canalare, e gli impianti dentali rappresentano due approcci fondamentali nella moderna odontoiatria restaurativa, offrendo soluzioni efficaci per preservare o sostituire denti compromessi. Entrambi i trattamenti hanno l’obiettivo comune di migliorare la salute orale e la qualità della vita dei pazienti, ma si applicano in scenari clinici diversi. Ottimizzare la comprensione della loro correlazione può aiutare i pazienti a prendere decisioni informate riguardo alle opzioni di trattamento disponibili.

Terapia Canalare: Una Soluzione Conservativa

La terapia canalare è un trattamento endodontico che mira a salvare un dente naturale il cui polpa (il tessuto molle all’interno dei denti che contiene nervi e vasi sanguigni) è infetto o danneggiato. Questo procedimento implica la rimozione del tessuto polpale infetto, la pulizia e la disinfezione del canale radicolare, seguita dal riempimento e sigillatura dello spazio canalare. L’obiettivo è di preservare il dente naturale, prevenendo la necessità di estrazione e mantenendo la funzionalità masticatoria e l’estetica del sorriso.

Implantologia Dentale: La Sostituzione dei Denti Perduti

Gli impianti dentali sono utilizzati per sostituire i denti mancanti o quelli che sono stati estratti a causa di malattie gravi, infezioni o trauma. Consistono in un perno in titanio (che funge da radice artificiale) inserito nell’osso mascellare, su cui viene montata una corona, ponte o protesi dentale. Gli impianti offrono una soluzione duratura e visivamente indistinguibile dai denti naturali, migliorando la funzione masticatoria e la fiducia nel proprio sorriso.

Correlazione e Decisione Clinica

La scelta tra terapia canalare e impianto dentale dipende da vari fattori, inclusa la condizione del dente naturale e le preferenze del paziente. La terapia canalare è spesso preferita se il dente naturale può essere salvato e mantenuto funzionale. Tuttavia, in casi dove la terapia canalare non riesce o il dente è troppo compromesso, gli impianti dentali diventano l’opzione preferibile.

Un’attenta valutazione da parte di un dentista o specialista in endodonzia è cruciale per determinare il percorso di trattamento più appropriato. Elementi come la struttura del dente residuo, l’integrità dell’osso mascellare e le aspettative del paziente vengono analizzati per formulare un piano di trattamento personalizzato.


La correlazione tra terapia canalare e impianti dentali evidenzia l’importanza di un approccio personalizzato nell’odontoiatria restaurativa. Entrambi i trattamenti hanno ruoli vitali nel preservare e ripristinare la salute orale, con l’obiettivo ultimo di garantire che i pazienti possano godere di una qualità di vita ottimale. La consultazione con professionisti dentali esperti e la comprensione delle opzioni di trattamento disponibili sono essenziali per prendere decisioni informate riguardo alla propria salute orale.

Things You Need to Know?

  • It may take several visits to your dentist in order to complete the entire procedure.
  • When having a dental implant, your oral hygiene should be excellent! You should take care of your dental implants with special methods that your dentist will show you, every day.
  • Implants are probably included in the most expensive dental procedures but keep in mind that most of the time they are the final restoration (that is, you do not have to either deal with it again or pay again for the restoration of the area).

Why is Albania the Ideal Country for Tooth Implant?

In Albania you can have a tooth treatment with all the modern methods and techniques of monitoring and diagnosis. The goal of dental clinics in Albania is to provide high quality and aesthetic dental services in a clean and welcoming environment. Here, you can find anything you need in just one place. 

Albania offers you countless opportunities and complete dental packages which accomplish all your dental needs and at the same time help you save more money than any other country can. You do not have to think or worry about anything. When you decide to have a dental treatment package in Albania then just relax and enjoy a good time in Albania. While you enjoy your vacations you can trust the creation of your new smile at Trio Dental Center and we assure you that you will not be disappointed.

By insisting on the detail, using as advanced tools and materials as possible as well as in collaboration with other dental specialties (orthodontics, periodontology), when necessary, we propose solutions based on scientifically proven techniques in order to provide you a beautiful smile but without meaning that this will be detriment of the patient’s oral health or functional harmony. For the reasons mentioned above, dental implants in Tirana, Albania seem to be the most suitable choice for every patient that is looking for an affordable but just as qualitative, or even more cheap, treatment compared to the dental treatments of other countries.

Choosing Dental Implants: Options, Costs, and Considerations

Dental implants offer an effective solution for those who have lost one or more teeth, providing a functional and aesthetic alternative to traditional dentures. When considering a full dental implant, it’s important to understand the associated costs, the types of dental implants available, and the healing times.

Costs and Options in Albania

In recent years, Albania has become a popular destination for dental tourism, thanks to competitive pricing and the quality of services offered. The cost of a dental implant for the upper arch can vary, and teeth prices in Albania are often significantly lower than in other countries while still maintaining a high standard of quality. The cost of a dental implant with a crown in Albania can be a cost-effective option for many patients.

Implant Material and Warranty

The choice of implant material is crucial. Zirconium implants are highly valued for their aesthetic qualities and strength. In terms of dental implant warranties, many dental clinics offer different solutions, depending on the type of implant and the material used. The composition of artificial teeth aims to replicate that of natural teeth as closely as possible.

Post-Extraction Considerations and Types of Implants

After a tooth extraction, patients often wonder how long to wait for an implant or to eat. Times can vary based on the complexity of the extraction and the type of implant chosen, such as endosseous implants or those made of zirconium. The healing abutment can cause some discomfort, but it’s an important stage of the process.

How Many Teeth on a Single Implant and Treatment Sessions

A technical aspect to consider is how many teeth can be placed on an implant and how many dental implants can be done in one session. This depends on the individualized treatment plan and the overall health of the patient’s jawbone.

Dental Abutment and Removal of the Screw

The dental abutment is a key component that connects the actual implant to the artificial tooth. In some cases, it may be necessary to remove the implant screw for corrective or maintenance interventions.

Conclusions and Choice of Brands

Choosing the best dental implant brands, such as Megagen or others known for their reliability, is essential for ensuring long-lasting results. When choosing a dental treatment option, it’s important to consider all these aspects, in addition to the cost of a full dental implant and the price of a zirconium dental arch, to make an informed and safe choice.

In conclusion, opting for dental treatment in Albania can be an economical choice without sacrificing quality. Patients are advised to do thorough research and choose clinics with a good reputation and positive reviews to ensure a positive experience and satisfactory results.

Popular Treatments

All on 4, all on 6, all on 8 in Albania.
  • All on 4 Ceramic €3200
  • All on 4 Zirconium €3600
  • All on 6 Ceramic €3800
  • All on 6 Zirconium €4500
  • All on 8 Ceramic €4500
  • All on 8 Zirconium €5600

Frequently Asked Questions

The majority of our patients are suitable candidates for dental implants. In order to be sure that you are a good candidate for this dental procedure, our staff will examine your teeth and mouth as well as take an x-ray. 

Dental Implants are very essential to those people who have been amputated by car accidents or from neoplastic diseases. These individuals have a much better quality of life after the placement of dental implants. On the other hand, even if you are a smoker or have a low bone mass, our dental clinic offers many solutions in order to complete a dental implant procedure. 

If you have any doubts about if you are a suitable candidate for dental implants, then you can find out now just by scheduling an appointment or consultation with the staff of Trio Dental Center. Contact us today and we will schedule your initial appointment, as soon as possible.

Normally a dental implant is placed in the jaw and then the time it takes for it to be fully Osseo integrated ranges from 3 to 6 months. This heals without putting extra pressure on the learner and reduces the risk of implant failure. When the implant is completely stabilized then the dentist examines carefully your mouth to create the appropriate crown in order to cover the implant and the stump that connects them. A tooth implant can be used to repair a lost tooth even for a complete oral restoration. Other methods are bridges or the dental prosthesis method such as implants that can create an arc consisting of 10-12 teeth.

Dental implants are the closest we have to natural teeth and in a very short time from their placement you will feel like chewing with your own teeth.

Nowadays, there are several types of implants available which offer several options to the dentists regarding the shape, geometry, length, diameter and material of the implant. At the same time, several different dental techniques have been developed for their placement. Depending on the needs of each patient, the quality and quantity of the jaw bone, the number and relative position of the missing teeth, the implantologist will decide on the appropriate type of implant, placement technique, and form of restoration (crown, bridge, denture) to be used.

Tooth implants can be categorized according to:

  • Implant method and shape – in intraosseous (rhizomorphic), dia-osseous and subperiosteal
  • Charging time – 2 phases (delayed charging) or 1 phase (direct charging)
  • Size – large, normal or small diameter (mini) and normal or short length

Construction material – titanium, titanium alloy, zirconium.

Scientific research has shown that Dental Implants can last for many years with over 99% success rates. Science advances daily to be able to ensure their sure longevity and durability. At the end of the procedure, the patient needs to be monitored proactively with regular check-ups to ensure the result. Excellent oral hygiene is a golden rule for the longevity of implants.

The cost of dental implants in Albania is significantly lower than in many Western countries, with prices ranging on average from €400 to €800 per implant. However, the total cost can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the type of implant used.

Albania utilizes state-of-the-art dental implant technologies comparable to those found in leading countries in the field. Many Albanian dental clinics are equipped with advanced imaging systems, CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing) technology, and offer the latest in implant materials and procedures.
The procedure typically involves the placement of the implant post into the jawbone, followed by a healing period to allow osseointegration (the integration of the implant with the bone). A follow-up visit is required to attach an abutment and the dental crown. Local anesthesia is used to ensure patient comfort.
Yes, dental implants are safe for international patients. Albanian dental clinics adhere to strict sterilization and hygiene standards, with highly qualified professionals who often have international training and certifications.
The dental implant process can vary, typically requiring two visits to Albania. The first visit is for the implant placement, with a healing period of 3-6 months. The second visit is for the placement of the crown or prosthesis. Some cases may qualify for immediate load implants, shortening the process.
In some cases, immediate implant placement after tooth extraction is possible, depending on the condition of the bone and the specific circumstances of the extraction site. This option will be evaluated and discussed during your initial consultation.
Dental implantologists in Albania are required to have completed specialized training in implant dentistry post their dental degree. Many have additional certifications from international dental associations and have undergone extensive training programs in Europe or the United States.
Many dental clinics in Albania offer guarantees on dental implants, covering the implant and the prosthetic components. The duration and terms of these guarantees vary by clinic, so it’s advisable to inquire directly with the provider.
Research is key. Look for clinics with positive reviews, advanced technology, and experienced professionals. Additionally, consult directly with clinics, asking about their experience, technology, and case studies. International patient coordinators can also provide assistance and additional information.
Most top dental clinics in Albania cater to international patients and have staff who speak fluent English. Communication should not be an issue, but if you have concerns, inquire about language support services when arranging your visit.
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