Everybody has a desire to have a pearly white set of teeth and normally, we all do our best to achieve flawless oral health. What happens, however, is when you wake up one morning and notice all your teeth stained with white spots that do not come off in any way, no matter how hard you try brushing them off. White lesions are opaque milky patches that go underway irregularly on the teeth but are quite prominent, enough to unsettle the physical appeal whenever smiling. White pots are also a sign of a bigger dental issue. Do not rush to your phone to call your dentist yet, we will help you recognize white spots and the best way of handling them.

What are white spots on teeth and what do they mean?
Not a cause for alarm due to the fact that it is easily manageable, white spots on the teeth can be a sign of excessive bacterial acids which are the cause of the inconsistency in the dental formula as the acids dissolve the enamel. This can cause tooth decay on the other hand. Spots like that might arise at different intervals for different people, some from childhood while for others in their adulthood. For those who have had this dental condition from early childhood, it is commonly a result of extra mineralization from the water supply.
This is very common for people who have grown up dependent on a well water supply or have had over two milligrams of fluoride in each liter of water consumed. For those people that have developed white spots in their adulthood, the most probable cause is plaque build-up, referred to medically as decalcification. This implies that the white spots or lesions could be the very first symptom of a bigger dental complication and could lead to tooth decay or cavities. Numerous people, nevertheless, believe that white spots come as a result of a tooth whitening procedure gone wrong which is absolutely wrong, as reviewed below.
How to prevent white spots on teeth?
Annual checkups have great importance in maintaining oral health in check and capturing any dental complications in the very beginning. The perspective of a dentist is crucial in the prevention of problems such as tooth discoloration, among all. For example, throughout pregnancy, it is recommended to get professional recommendations on fluoride intake alongside the consumption of other medicines that would sabotage the right development of the child’s teeth. Tobacco is another cause of teeth spotting so it would most likely be in the best interest to work on the quitting process. Additional substances to stay clear of are acidic and sugary drinks and foods.

What causes white spots on children’s teeth?
Fluorosis is a medical condition that stains the teeth and is caused by an additional intake of fluoride. Fluoride might be found in several modern drinks other than toothpaste, and it is the most common reason for tooth discoloration and decay among children. Children below 6 years are vulnerable to this condition, which is why they should only use small amounts of fluoride in their oral hygiene routine practices. Tons of factors can be the reason for white spots in children. Keep in mind that fluoride is present in tap and bottled water. For a growing child, diet is a huge resource of white spots.
Too much acid in foods affects the enamel by weakening it- the enamel being the outer protective layer for the dental formula. If you do not regulate the sugar intake of your child, the accumulation of acidic plaque that will result in tooth discoloration is only a question of time. Other causes of white spots include enamel hypoplasia, a dental condition during which patients have much less enamel to protect their teeth. This comes as a result of the loss of vital minerals within teeth.
Children sleeping with their mouths open are more vulnerable to this dental condition seeing as their mouth is dehydrated for the most of the night. Whenever the enamel is dry and the saliva touches it every morning when the child wakes up, white spots will form little by little.
What Causes White Spots?
There exist numerous factors that affect people’s teeth by causing white spots on their teeth. As a matter of fact, it is something we see everywhere daily. The following are some of the causes of spotted teeth:

Poor Oral Hygiene
Harmful bacteria, such as those cavity-causing, prefer growing in highly acidic environments, such as the mouth. Inadequate flossing and brushing methods allow bacteria to thrive. Dental devices, and appliances such as braces, can all make it very hard to achieve a detailed cleaning throughout oral hygiene efforts. Being vigilant about brushing is indispensable, especially so when wearing braces or oral devices, that is so you can keep cavity-causing bacteria at a minimum. Improper oral hygiene can give bacteria permission to loot crucial minerals from teeth, leading to white spots that can then turn into full cavities.
Dental Fluorosis
Generally thought of as one of the best things in the oral health world, fluoride can also be the cause behind the condition called fluorosis, which happens when one gets exposed to too much fluoride. The ones most vulnerable to fluorosis are children considering that their small bodies have lower aptitudes for fluoride.
Attentively watching children while they are brushing their teeth is of utmost importance as all kinds of toothpaste containing fluoride can be damaging in excess. Undoubtedly, fluoride in correct amounts is vital for the teeth’s overall health, particularly during childhood when teeth are still in their process of development and eruption.
Lack of Nutrition
A lacking-calcium diet robs your body of the most essential building blocks of healthy tooth enamel. Numerous minerals are elements of a healthy diet that aids in building up tooth enamel. An absence of these minerals would mean your teeth suffer and develop white, demineralized spots. For instance, celiac disease can lead to the intestines’ malfunctionality and incapability of absorbing nutrients, which in turn will lead to demineralized white spots on the teeth.

Illness and Medications
There exist multiple medicines critical for maintaining our bodies healthy. Lamentably, a part of these medicines has been directly associated with the expansion of white spots on tooth enamel. Several antibiotics are not authorized to be used by children, consequently. Please bear in mind to make use of your medications precisely as prescribed by the doctor and to never share the prescription with anyone. If after the medical treatment, you end up having white spots on your teeth, have a discussion with your dentist on how to treat them.
Similarly to any other physical feature, genetics play a huge role in whether there is a chance of you developing white spots on your teeth. If the white spots lesions are something that runs in the family, you should be extra cautious about avoiding them.
Demineralization or Decalcification
Demineralization, namely decalcification, happens because of the long-term and excessive bacterial buildup in the mouth. The bacteria can also weaken the enamel fully or sectionally, by attacking it. As it wears away, it can lead to white or brown spots on the teeth. Seeing as this kind of tooth discoloration can result in cavities, the dentist will need to assess them at every dental appointment.
Inspection is generally advisable for enamel that is demineralized or decalcified. If there is no presence of cavities, there is no treatment needed despite an increase in the frequency of flossing and brushing. For all ages, brushing the teeth at least twice a day and flossing once a day to avoid excess bacteria buildup on the teeth and the enamel, is critical. In the event that a cavity forms in the discolored spot, the spot will then be loaded with a tooth-colored composite.

Enamel Hypoplasia or Turner’s Tooth
Enamel hypoplasia can be the cause of brown or white spots on the teeth. Generally, first noticed during childhood but it can also appear during adulthood. Caused by several factors, including smoking during pregnancy, high fevers due to illnesses, lack of getting the proper nutrients in the diet, and being a premature baby. The condition can also be caused by certain medications and even by trauma to the tooth. Many believe that people with enamel hypoplasia can be more susceptible to tooth decay in the region of the white spots, the reason why, the observation of those spots is oftentimes advised.
Typical White Spots Treatment Option
Conventionally there have only been two white spot treatment alternatives. The first one utilized fluoride products to remineralize the teeth. This technique often falls short by not being able to show visible results.
The second treatment available is treating the region like a cavity. Meaning, the doctor will clean the region out and fill it with a tooth-colored composite material. With time, such fillings break down and need replacement.
Another available solution to white spot treatment in the past has been veneers. This solution is quite costly and is not advised for younger patients. Still, teenagers and children are the ones who are usually experiencing white spots on their teeth.
In some instances, our dentists might even decide not to do anything about the white spots, but rather pay attention to them and prevent cavities from developing.

New White Spots Treatment Option for Teeth
Out-of-date alternatives are no longer seen as the sole solution for removing dental white spots in Tirana, Albania. By dint of advanced treatments, specialists at Dental Trio Denter are able to remove white spots without the need for filling, drilling, or numbing. Rather than putting to use irreversible dental treatments or techniques that simply do not work, our skilled staff takes a much more traditional course. All this while reducing white spots and saving healthy tooth structure.
Throughout this process, the white spot is engraved with a specific gel that helps by opening the small pores across the tooth’s surface. Then, the white spot is dried and a medication is applied to the spot. The formula gets through the tooth’s pores and prevents the advancement of white spots. Any extra material is eliminated and the tooth is treated under a special light. Treatment time is really quick, with each tooth taking about 15 minutes. The outcomes are satisfying and aesthetically pleasing to the tooth surface.

More On Preventing White Spots
The best form of care in the world is prevention. For the prevention of white spots on teeth, good oral hygiene must be practiced each day, additionally to a healthy lifestyle. Your teeth must be brushed and flossed at least twice per day. In case you are wearing braces, you should brush them after every meal. Ensure to thoroughly clean the wires and brackets. Also, avoid consuming sugars at any cost, such as sodas or energy drinks. Water is the best beverage.
If you are a soon-to-be mother, avoid smoking, as it will put your child at a high risk of dental problems later on.
Control the child’s brushing routine. Do not permit them to utilize a huge amount of toothpaste. All needed for toddlers is an amount of toothpaste the size of a grain of rice. While, for older children, a pea-sized amount works amazingly.
White Spots Removal in Tirana, Albania
If you are experiencing white spots on your teeth, then it is time to schedule an appointment with Trio Dental Center for white spot removal in Tirana, Albania. Our cosmetic dentistry services will have you looking your best in a blink of an eye. Contact us today.